The Bees, Butterflies, Grassfed Meat T-Shirt

The Bees, Butterflies, Grassfed Meat T-Shirt
As you probably know, bees and butterflies are in serious trouble due to habitat loss and the use of pesticides. We desperately need our pollinators — yet bad farming practices continue to contribute to their decline.
One simple solution to help bees and butterflies is to eat grassfed meat! Whether it’s bison, beef, pork, or chicken, if it’s legitimately pasture-raised / grassfed / grass-finished (not green-washed “grassfed”), you can be sure that your grassfed steak is also helping to provide important habitat for bees and butterflies.
We see all sorts of different butterflies and bees on our ranch all spring, summer, and fall — yet we also see a lot of contradictory messaging out there from companies and environmental groups encouraging people to eat “plant-based foods” to help the environment, when the reality is that many of these “plant-based foods” are the exact foods killing our pollinators (and poisoning our rivers, degrading our soils, and killing all sorts of other stuff).
It got a little frustrating seeing all of these amazing butterflies and bees on our ranch — while continuing to see the misleading messaging that eating a Fake Meat Chemical Burger will save the world.
So we thought — hell, let’s make a t-shirt.
And then we made a t-shirt!
Montana artist Andrea DiNino did the amazing design work, and the shirts were made by Recover, an awesome company whose mission is to “create the best, most environmentally friendly and socially responsible products possible.” These t-shirts are made out of 100% recycled materials!
They are super comfortable, fit great, look great, and help spread the word on an important message about bees, butterflies, and grassfed meat!