Sustainable Dish Podcast

Matt is the most recent guest on the Sustainable Dish podcast, which was just released this week.

Sustainable Dish is produced by Diana Rodgers and James Connolly, two thought leaders in the world of food and nutrition.

Both Diana and James work tirelessly to tell the whole story around food and meat — and they do incredible work pushing back at all of the misinformation out there around raising animals and eating meat.

They’ve written books, made a documentary, and publish the Sustainable Dish Podcast.

These issues around food and meat are near and dear to our hearts — and are at the core of what we do here at NBB — and we have learned a lot from Diana’s and James’s work.

So, needless to say, Matt was thrilled to be on their podcast.

James and Matt had a great, wide-ranging conversation, and you can download the podcast wherever you find your podcasts.

Many thanks to James and Diana — we really appreciate them and their work.

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